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Food and Necessities

Revised Market Feasibility Study RFP

POORLAW (People of Origin Rightfully Loved And Wanted) and GH-CARED (Greater Hazelwood Coalition Against Racial And Ethnic Disparities) are advertising for the hiring of an individual or corporation to conduct a market feasibility study to establish an employer-community-owned cooperative grocery store in the Greater Hazelwood community. 

Attached you will find an RFP with the scope of work and type of persons we are looking for. If you are interested we ask that you respond to the RFP by 5pm on January 31st. 

Q&A and More Information

We have scheduled two information and Q&A sessions regarding the project. Please respond to the doodle poll selecting which session you will be attending by Friday, January 19th. Upon selection of the session, Emily Higgs will send you a Google Meet link and a calendar invite to the session.

If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact Saundra Cole-McKamey at or 412-670-8421, or Pastor Love at or 412-277-0113.

GE Mobile Market is Here!

For the past 2 years POORLAW, GH-CARED and Praise Deliverance Church have been negotiating with Giant Eagle to bring their Mobile Market to the Greater Hazelwood Community. Our efforts are finally being recognized as the unit is now scheduled to be in the community 2 days a week. POORLAW, GH-CARED, and Praise Deliverance Church would like to thank Hazelwood Initiative, Arts Excursion Unlimited, Housing Authority City of Pittsburgh, and ARCO for all their hard work on this project.

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